

Curtin Open Knowledge Initiative
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Julian Tonti-Filippini, Cameron Neylon, Kathryn Napier Research Impact Evaluation System COKI team member Julian Tonti-Filippini led the construction of a pilot Research Impact Evaluation System (RIES) demonstrating the feasibility of conducting an on-demand, ERA-like analysis for research-active institutions (locally and globally), using journal-level metadata from the Australian Research Council and article-level metadata from publicly

Author Tim Winkler

Can I be taught by someone like me? Students will be able to look at new indices to determine whether a university is a good fit for them before they enrol, as a result of research from Curtin University’s Open Knowledge Initiative (COKI). The COKI team have developed one of the most comprehensive sets of […]

Author Tim Winkler

2020 locks in shift to Openness - but Australia lags In October 2020, UNESCO made the case for open access to enhance research and information on COIVD-19. It also joined the World Health Organisation and UN High Commissioner for Human Rights in calling for open science to be implemented at all stages of the scientific process by all member states.

Author Tim Winkler

Naked scientist shines spotlight on COKI COKI’s own Dr Chun-Kai (Karl) Huang was recently interviewed by The Naked Scientist, talking about open access publishing and findings from the COKI team’s eLife Feature Article “Evaluating the impact of open access policies on research institutions”. The podcast is available at and