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Author Pia Majbritt Jensen and Petar Mitric

The research project ‘Reaching Young Audiences: Serial Fiction and Cross-Media Storyworlds for Children and Young Audiences’ (RYA) seeks to provide detailed knowledge about the production and reception of film, TV and online fiction for children, tweens and teens through in-depth analysis of the current strategies for creating engaging fiction for young audiences and extensive qualitative case studies of their media use.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Andrew Pixley

Last time, I apologized to you for taking up your valuable minutes when you were probably all busy deciding which archival editions of the Radio Times or TV Times or TV Guide or other-listing-magazines-are-available to scatter around your home this Christmas.

BlogsRYAMedia and Communications
Author Katrine Bouschinger Christensen and Eva Novrup Redvall

Children’s content is often linked to ideas of certain learning outcomes. This is obvious in much factional content for children marked by ‘edutainment’ agendas, but also in the realm of fiction, particularly fiction targeting the youngest viewers.

CFPCFPs ConferencesMarchMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Diaspora Screen Media Network virtual conference 17/18 March 2022 (Birmingham City University, UK) Theme: Diaspora Cinema and Media: Globalising the Local This AHRC-funded virtual conference is the culmination of the Diaspora Screen Media Network’s series of successful events.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Keynote speakers: Georges Didi-Huberman (École des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris) Sybille Krämer (Freie Universität, Berlin) Lev Manovich (City University, New York) Artists talk: Radu Jude & Susana de Sousa Dias Graduate Workshop keynote speakers: Samaneh Moafi & Stefanos Levidis (Forensic Architecture)

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Call for Papers – Bournemouth University in collaboration with Wolverhampton University presents: Action Heroines in the Twenty-First Century: Sisters in Arms Thursday June 9th – Friday June 10th 2022 at Talbot Campus, Bournemouth University Hosted by the Narrative, Culture and Community Research Centre Keynotes: Professor Yvonne Tasker, Leeds University, and Professor Chris Holmlund, University of Tennessee, Knoxville It is 30 years since

CFPCFPs ConferencesAprilMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

The 10th annual BAFTSS conference will take place entirely online on the 20th–22nd April 2022, hosted by the University of St Andrews. In the past eighteen months, many of us have experienced isolation both professionally and personally due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Chris Nunn

Science fiction epic The Expanse created by Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby and based on the novels by Daniel Abraham and Ty Franck has recently debuted its sixth and final season on Amazon Prime.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

The idea of “failure” has often been understood as objective and one-dimensional, with failure as the opposite of the constructed notion of “success.” Failure can also be viewed as a multi-faceted process that operates outside of a failure-versus-success model, and occurs across layered facets of the media industries that reverberate on cultural, political, economic, and aesthetic levels.