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Television Studies Blog
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Author Cathrin Bengesser, Marica Spalletta, Pia Majbritt Jensen & Paola De Rosa

Crime is one of the most prevalent and most-viewed genres on our TV screens and the best-circulating type of fiction content in Europe. Studying the attitudes of television viewers to crime shows, therefore, promises an insight into European tastes and preferences when it comes to the genre of crime, as well as finding out about attitudes towards media cultures from other countries.

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Author Andrew Pixley

‘Why publish a screenplay, when these days the finished film or TV series is so readily available? If one only thinks of them as working documents then perhaps there is little point, beyond the academic. But reading screenplays has always been as interesting to me as reading plays; an activity in its own right.’

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author John Ritchie

And here we are again! And I’m still waiting for the bloody phone to ring to let me know which of the two gigs I’m up for I’ve got – if either of them comes through for me, of course. So, at the time of writing, well, beginning to write this, next week (wk beg 11 th Oct, 2021) is the (in some bits of Scotland) Scottish half term break.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

A new collection on superheroes is proposed for Peter Lang. As media texts show us superheroes from around the world(s), demonstrating extraordinary abilities and living a life shaped by a moral code, how we define their iconic features and cultural impact has been the focus of much scholarly debate.

BlogsRYAMedia and Communications
Author Eva Novrup Redvall

As argued by Anna Potter and Jeanette Steemers in the new Routledge Companion to Media Industries, children are an often overlooked, but very special television audience (2021), both when it comes to thinking of children in relation to traditional and online television viewing.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Toby Miller

I’m revisiting a column from 2020 about the issues listed above, in order to keep up with recent developments. But first, paradoxically, some history. Human rights and sports have long been intertwined in complex ways, along with their coverage by the media. The Spanish Republican government declined to participate in Hitler’s 1936 Olympics because of his anti-semitism. Martin Luther King supported a black boycott of Mexico 1968.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author John Ritchie

You know this, this blogging lark for these lovely people, all began for me last year when I saw a call for contributions to the CSTOnline website which, I think was called, What Are We Watching? This then became a semi-regular portal into the life of me and my family as well as some not bad jokes, a few corny lines and occasional lapses into me talking about female actors and cheese.

CFPCFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Italian cinema and media: Past and present, continuity and change, expectations for the future Third Edition of the Journal of Italian Cinema & Media Studies International Conference In person ONLY The American University of Rome 16-18 June 2022 The year 2022 marks the 10 th anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Italian Cinema &

CFPsCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

In the world of teen drama (or YA drama, as some prefer), there are a number of ways to represent adolescence and its attendant horrors, and we’ve seen a great deal of fantasy-based approaches; beginning with Buffy , some establish that high school is actual hell. But few series come close to Chilling Adventures of Sabrina ’s devotion to that idea.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Liz Giuffre

The language of Ted Lasso is popular culture. The cheesiest of music, the rommiest of Rom-Coms, the deepest of football fan-based love. This makes sense given that the Richmond Football Club is the show’s real star – its pull so precious that it can bring out the best and the worst in people.