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by Ian Greaves One of the many peculiarities of life in lockdown has been to witness the turmoil it has created for Sight and Sound , a magazine used to reporting from festivals and film sets around the globe. Like the rest of us, they have had to adapt to a different way of living. To their sometimes evident horror, this now includes television. Fig. 1: BFI’s Sight &

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Editors: Jonathan Evans, Kathleen Dunley and Ernesto Priego Timeline: Deadline for first drafts: 30 June 2021 Initial editorial desk review: 30 August 2021 Peer Reviews due: 16 January 2022 Revised papers due: 30 June 2022 Estimated Publication of articles as they become ready: August 2022 Submissions called for the journal’s Research section (3000-7000 words). For […]

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

It could be said that Australia’s unique history has shaped the diversity of its peoples, and the Australian life-styles of today. Australia is both a very ancient and a very young nation. The diverse Australian Indigenous peoples were and still are the First Australians, and the true owners of the land.

CFPsCFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Conference Convenor: Dr Karen McNally, author of The Stardom Film: Creating the Hollywood Fairy Tale (Wallflower–Columbia University Press, 2020) Keynote Speaker: Professor Steven Cohan, Dean’s Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Film and Screen Studies, Syracuse University and author of Hollywood by Hollywood: The Backstudio Picture and the Mystique of Making Movies (OUP, 2019) and Sunset Boulevard

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

In an op-ed article published in the “New York Times” in January 2021, opinion columnist Michelle Goldberg wondered whether Joe Biden’s Presidency would be the first post-Reagan Presidency. According to a theory that divides American political history into cycles or “political times” (Skowronek, 2008), long-term political regimes in the United States are based on shared beliefs that change through time after exhausting their strength.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author John Ritchie

Oh blimey is it that time again already? I mean it seems like only a few weeks since it was time for me to get on with getting things off my chest through this fine organ (can we call it an organ if it’s online?) but here we are again and, hope you’re all ready for my latest incoherent ramblings about the state of the nation, the world, and the box of lights in the corner that never has anything on it anymore. Really. We are bored.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 6, 2021 Edited by: Elana Gomel Co-edited by: João Félix Messengers from the Stars is an international, peer-reviewed journal, offering academic articles, reviews, and providing an outlet for a wide range of creative work inspired by science fiction and fantasy.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Guest editors: Veronika Pehe, Sonja de Leeuw, Dana Mustata Publication date: fall/winter 2022 This special issue of VIEW aims to shine a light on television satire in Europe during the period of state socialism and after. Satire has been studied as a vehicle for challenging political and religious power as well as established norms and values.

CFPCFPsCFPs ConferencesOctoberSeptemberMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

On October 2nd 2021 we will celebrate 70 years of television in the Netherlands. While this is a milestone worth celebrating, it also offers an opportunity to look back at the medium’s rich international histories. Television has survived its many predicted deaths and adapted constantly to changing social, cultural and technological trends and demands.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images is a new journal founded by Editor-in-Chief Ying Zhu, hosted at Hong Kong Baptist University, and published by University of Michigan. This special issue of Global Storytelling will investigate how streaming media has impacted the production, distribution, and reception of serial narratives.