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Global Storytelling: Journal of Digital and Moving Images is a new journal founded by Editor-in-Chief Ying Zhu, hosted at Hong Kong Baptist University, and published by University of Michigan. This special issue of Global Storytelling will investigate how streaming media has impacted the production, distribution, and reception of serial narratives.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

I received a great response to the last call for papers regarding the volumes on dragons. As a result, I have been better able to refine and divide results. Below are the new details for the updated call for papers: As the popularity of mythical creatures in films and literature grows, there is one creature that remains prominent: the dragon. Dragons have become most visible recently in the cinematic versions of The Hobbit and in George R.R.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Kenneth Longden

Many years ago, whilst preparing to teach British Cinema History at LJMU, under the brilliant, but now sadly departed Nickianne Moody, i was tasked to research the history of British Music Hall. The main thrust of the module was to show how British cinema was the product, not of the theatre, but of the music hall tradition and working-class popular culture.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Susan Berridge and Tanya Horeck

The popular and critical success of contemporary UK drama series including Sex Education (Netflix, 2019 -), Normal People (BBC Three/RTE One/Hulu, 2020) and I May Destroy You (BBC/HBO, 2020), all of which have been praised for their complex depictions of sexual intimacy and consent, has drawn increasing attention towards the relatively new role of the intimacy coordinator in television production.

CFPCFPs ConferencesNovemberMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Science Fiction and Fantasy International Conference Messengers from the Stars: Episode VI Online Conference School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon November 25-26, 2021 Nature and Overnature in SF and Fantasy Discourses Science Fiction and Fantasy are lasting fields of inquiring into today’s world. They have become privileged means to question issues of aesthetic, ethical, […]

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

The editors of a forthcoming collection on literature and television titled Broadcasting Beyond Adaptation: Revisiting the Television and Literature Debate invite abstract proposals for potential chapters on intersections of Māori/te reo television and literature.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Andrew Pixley

<Graeme Garden 1968>DO YOU KNOW what the words starting with ‘D’ and ‘W’ written on this partially obscured file are? Fig. 1: DO YOU KNOW what the words starting with ‘D’ and ‘W’ written on this partially obscured file are? Yes – that’s right! Fig 2: Yes – that’s right.

CFPCFPs ConferencesJuneMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Organisers: Izabella Wodzka, Mathis Gronau, and Brittany Eldridge (UCL) The recent experiences of global pandemic and national lockdowns have forced us to slow down and scale down, but also to deviate from our routines and to rethink our mundane activities. We have become intimately acquainted with the private space of home while simultaneously detached from the public spaces of shared communal life.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

AUDIOVISUAL CONTENT FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN THE NORDICS: PRODUCTION, DISTRIBUTION, AND RECEPTION IN A MULTI-PLATFORM ERA Call for anthology chapters Deadline for abstracts: 15 June 2021 Editors Pia Majbritt Jensen, associate professor, Aarhus University, Denmark Eva Novrup Redvall, associate Professor, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Christa Lykke Christensen, associate Professor, University of

CFPCFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

The 6th edition of the conference Narrative, Media and Cognition aims to combine narrative, as an artistic and social phenomenon, with the artistic and technical media that convey it and with the cognition that produces it and gives it meaning.