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Author CSTonline

We are happy to invite you to participate in the ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2021 that will take place at the University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain, mainly from 20-24 September 2021 (with activities before and after these dates). Because of the pandemic situation, it is impossible to plan a physical meeting, so this Summer School will be an online event. THE FOCUS The ECREA

CFPCFPs ConferencesMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

Confirmed keynote scholars : Enrique Ajuria Ibarra, Xavier Aldana Reyes, Kyle Bishop, Kevin Corstorphine, Justin Edwards, Anya Heise-von der Lippe, Michael Howarth, Evert J. van Leeuwen, Sorcha Ní Fhlainn, Elizabeth Parker + Michelle Poland, David Punter, Julia Round, Christy Tidwell, Jeffrey Andrew Weinstock, Maisha L. Wester.

CFPCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

In her seminal text Illness as Metaphor (1978), Susan Sontag approaches the discourses around contagious diseases as systems of power and control over civil disobedience and difference. The text poignantly foreshadows the “treatment” of the HIV outbreak by Western public health providers and in the cultural imagination alike.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Jilly Boyce Kay

In June 2018, a stand-up comedy show called Nanette dropped on Netflix. Written and performed by the Australian comedian Hannah Gadsby, it would go on to attract overwhelmingly positive reviews in international media, to win a plethora of high-profile awards, including two Emmys, and to launch Gadsby into a transnational orbit of celebrification and adulation.

CFPCFPs Books/edited CollectionsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

You are invited to submit 300-word abstracts for the forthcoming edited collection provisionally titled Difficult Death: Challenging Cultural Representations of Death, Dying and the Dead in Media and Culture. The interdisciplinary collection seeks to examine a range of representations of and engagement with death and dying across different media and cultural forms including film, television, new media, journalism, performing

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Jaded Academic

[Cue Bill Paterson’s silkily smooth voiceover] Today, The Repair Shop is visited by Jaded Academic, who has brought a precious artefact – some might say, a national treasure – in the hope that Jay and the team can restore it to its former glory.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Sarah Arnold

September 2020 saw the establishment of the Future of Media Commission in Ireland, which is tasked with considering the various challenges to Irish media and producing a series of recommendations that include how to fund public service media in a difficult environment. Among the challenges being investigated by the Commission are the funding of media, the impact of new technologies and new audience trends and behaviours. Fig.

BlogsMedia and Communications
Author Andrew Pixley

Many years ago – although possibly not as many as that – I did used to do quite a bit of artwork. Mainly pencil sketching and the odd bit of pointillism with black ink pens… if a piece needed to be published. Not much in colour though. Never very good at that. Possibly when it came to inks and paints I was always a bit too impatient… and the pigments ran and merged and mixed and blended.

CFPCFPsCFPs JournalsMedia and Communications
Author CSTonline

HBO’s recent series Lovecraft Country takes up the monsters of H. P. Lovecraft’s universe, but flips the script to make the heroes an African-American cast battling various demons in the Jim Crow era. Arguably, the show aimed at a re-appropriation or détournement of the pulp legend’s troubling racism, but critics seem divided on the show’s success.