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DataCite Blog - DataCite

DataCite Blog - DataCite
Connecting Research, Advancing Knowledge
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Authors Matt Buys, Kerstin Lehnert

Earlier this year, DataCite and IGSN announced their roadmap towards a partnership to support the global adoption, implementation, and use of physical sample identifiers. Today, we are pleased to share the announcement of the partnership agreement. DataCite is a community-led organisation with a vision to connect research and identify knowledge.

Author Matt Buys

Last month I shared our Vision 2021 that puts into action the goals set out in our strategic plan. In this post I want to share about our strategic visioning activity that we will collectively embark on as a community. As a community we are driven by our mission and vision: Our Vision: Connecting research, identifying knowledge. Our Mission: DataCite’s mission is to be the world’s leading provider of persistent identifiers for research.


In a recent conversation with Dr. Isabella Peters, she mentioned: Can we make the same statements about data citation and data publication behavior? And If so, what are data citation patterns in each discipline?. These questions are at the center of the ‘Meaningful Data Counts’ project that Dr. Stefanie Haustein and Dr. Isabella Peters lead.


In May, the Make Data Count team announced that we have received additional funding from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for work on the Make Data Count (MDC) initiative. This will enable DataCite to do additional work in two important areas: Implement a bibliometrics dashboard that enables bibliometricians – funded by a separate Sloan grant – to do quantitative studies around data usage and citation behaviors.