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DOI metadata provenance is describing the history of a particular DOI metadata record, i.e. what changes were made when and by whom. This information is now stored and provided via an API for all DOI registrations since March 10, 2019. The following provenance information is now available via a new /activities REST API endpoint: prov:wasGeneratedBy . The unique identifier for the activity making changes to a DOI record.


All DataCite DOIs have associated metadata, described in the DataCite Metadata Schema Documentation (@, validated and stored as XML in the DataCite Metadata Store (MDS). These metadata are then made available via DataCite APIs and services. For these services XML is not always the best format, and we are thus providing the metadata in other formats, most notably JSON.


While it is a best practice for DOIs (expressed as URL) to send the user to the landing page for that resource [@; @https://10.1101/097196], sometimes we want something else: metadata , e.g. to generate a citation, or to go to the content itself. The easiest way to do that is to use DOI content negotiation.


Many things have changed in the last two years in the research community. Data publication and data citation are becoming a standard in different communities, and DataCite is proud to support the development of best practices and services for these emerging initiatives. In 2014, the DataCite Metadata Schema 3.1 was launched to support better affiliation information and new relation types.


CSV in many ways is for data what Markdown is for text documents: a very simple format that is both human- and machine-readable, and that – despite a number of shortcomings – is widely used. Given the popularity of Markdown for writing blog posts, using CSV to publish blog posts with tabular data should be an obvious thing to do, and we have just published our first blog post using CSV data.