Are interest rates a neutral policy variable? Or are they a tool for class warfare? It turns out that the evidence speaks for itself. Here are three ways that higher interest rates redistribute income.
Are interest rates a neutral policy variable? Or are they a tool for class warfare? It turns out that the evidence speaks for itself. Here are three ways that higher interest rates redistribute income.
I use World Bank data to test Nitzan and Bichler’s ‘stagflation thesis’ — the idea that inflation in the midst of economic stagnation is the norm.
Here’s the blog summary of my paper ‘Economic development and the death of the free market’.
Frederick Soddy looms large in the field of ecological economics. Here’s a short dive into his ideas.
I dissect how neoclassical economics treats (neglects) natural resources, and discuss ways to fix it.
The neoclassical theory of economic growth is an example of Murphy’s law: everything that could go wrong did go wrong.
For all that it purports to say, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) fails to explain anything relevant about the world.