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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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The disciplines that have had it hardest for unwanted appropriation and assumed specialization this year have undoubtedly been various strands of medicine, virology, immunology, and epidemiology. Just going to put it out there, up front, that the notes here are nothing compared to the attempted popular seizure of expertise to which these disciplines have been subjected.


There’s a prominent post at Ars Technica called Linux on laptops: Ubuntu 19.10 on the HP Dragonfly Elite G1 that implies that it is easy and straightforward to install Ubuntu on the HP Dragonfly Elite laptop. The post is correct that releases later than 19.10 have full kernel support for nearly all of the laptop’s hardware, but there are some very important caveats to the install.


Studies such as my Warez book fall under the rubric of ‘netnographies’; work that attempt to examine ethnographically the principles and characteristics of various online cultures. A fundamental challenge of working in this space is the issue of ethics, though. Most of the documents and conversations that have been surfaced in the DeFacto2 archive were thought, by the conversation participants, to have been held in private.


As part of my efforts on Work Package 3 of the COPIM project I am engaged in a project that seeks to convert publishers to business models that will allow them to publish their books openly, without using unaffordable book processing charges (which authors hate and which will not scale). I am pleased to say that, as of today, we can announce the first press to take the leap: the Central European University Press.


After a Herculean effort, coinciding with open access week 2020, our edited volume Reassembling Scholarly Communications: Histories, Infrastructures, and Global Politics of Open Access has now been published by The MIT Press. It's available both in print to purchase and as a CC BY open-access download. I wanted to take this opportunity to write a few words about the goals of the volume, which speak to my interests in open access.


A journalist recently asked me for a comment on why I, as an academic who studies academic publishing, signed a petition calling for the retraction of Mead, Lawrence M., ‘Poverty and Culture’, Society, 2020 I wanted to publish my full reasoning here ahead of any publication that might quote me. When I saw this petition circulating, I took time to read the article before signing the petition.