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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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Over the past few weeks I've been working to pack the entire Crossref database into a distributable SQLite file. While this sounds somewhat insane -- the resulting file is 900GB -- it's quite a cool project for, say, embedded systems work in situations where no internet connection is available. It also provides speedy local indexed lookups, working faster than the internet-dependent API ever could.


As many of you know, I took secondment from my academic role this year to work on research and development at Crossref. A variety of factors inspired this, not least my health and wanting to be able to work from home. After a year, I have reflected on my experience of transferring to a very good employer outside of academia. If you did the same, your mileage might vary, because it all depends where you end up working and for whom.


2023 continued to pose the all-important question: just how many health disasters can I endure? This year, I started haemodialysis as my kidneys entered the extremely worryingly named "end-stage renal failure". This turns out to be a very long-term prospect, as I can't have a transplant owing both to BK viremia (which caused the kidney damage in the first place) and a conflict with the immunosuppression that treats my rheumatoid arthritis.


A letter to the Editor of the _Guardian_, who declined to publish it. Dear Madam, Your Economics Editor, Larry Elliott (5th December, “[I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream](”), offers an opinion piece that appears to be based on little more than his own


My day job involves quite a lot of crawling lists of websites to determine statistics about Crossref members and their behaviours. A good example is something I wanted to know recently: in [the current sample](, how many members display the title and doi (according to the latest display guidelines) on that page? In other words, how many members are doing good things on their landing pages?


A [recent XKCD]( caused some amusement: "Vocabulary update: I learned another word today, bringing my total to twelve". We wondered whether there might be possible formulations of this joke that also contained the unique character count, so I wrote the following python script: import num2word import numpy def find_self_reference(): sentence = "I learned another word today


What is the point of a citation? As Anthony Grafton puts it in his history of the footnote, “the culturally contingent and eminently fallible footnote offers the only guarantee we have that statements about the past derive from identifiable sources. And that is the only ground we have to trust them” (233). So the point of a footnote/citation is to be able to lookup and check that epistemic claims are true? Sometimes.


My next book, tentatively titled Star Trek: Voyager: Critical and Historical Approaches to Ethics, Politics, and the End of the 1990s is now under contract at Lever Press (title definitely needs some work). This, for me, is very exciting. An open-access press with an innovative funding model – so there are no author-facing charges – I am really pleased to be working with Lever.