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Martin Paul Eve

Martin Paul Eve
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In the past couple of weeks I’ve had a number of emails about the styleguide for the Open Library of Humanities. Queries range from “my discipline does things differently, is that OK?” to “why bother maintaining your own style guide, why not just refer to a named style like Chicago?” Both good points. My own thinking actually goes further, though.


If you think carefully about research publication and its economics, a strange (but also obvious) point becomes clear. In university ecosystems where we have tuition fees (and probably in those without) we determine how much material can be published through the frame of reference of teaching. This can be seen if you accept that research in the academy serves the dual function of dissemination and assessment.


Vint Cerf is one of the few people in the world who can viably use the phrase “my internet” in a talk and it be true. Tim Berners-Lee developed the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) which underlies the transfer of hyperlinked documents on the World Wide Web. This is an Application protocol, meaning that it sits at the highest level of the internet.


The things that concern me about article processing charges (APCs) for open access are not those surrounding quality control, “predatory publishers” or so forth. Given that we want the services of publishers, their labour costs must be met. If we want to have open access and then the material can’t be sold, an author-side payment mechanism looks the most obvious.