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Front Matter
The Front Matter Blog covers the intersection of science and technology since 2007.
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FeatureComputer and Information Sciences

We are all familiar with digital object identifiers (DOIs) provided by CrossRef to identify (and link to) journal articles. Some of us are familiar with the DOIs issued by DataCite to link to datasets. But most of us don’t know that CrossRef is also providing component DOIs that can provide persistent links to a particular table or figure in a paper.

FeatureComputer and Information Sciences

The bibliography of a scholarly paper is interesting and important reading material. You can see whether the authors have cited the relevant literature, and you often find references to interesting papers you didn’t know about. Bibliographies are obviously also needed to count citations, and then do all kinds of useful and not so useful things with them. Unfortunately almost all bibliographies are in the wrong format.

Science HackComputer and Information Sciences

One of the annoyances with bibliographies as we use them for scholarly papers is that is usually unclear why a particular paper was cited. It is often possible for readers to gather this information by looking at the citation in the context of the surrounding text, but this is very difficult to automate.

Science HackComputer and Information Sciences

ePub is a great format for scholarly content, and there are a number of tools to create ePub files. But creating content is only half the story, at least as important is an easy mechanism for distribution. This is particularly true if your ePub files are not books, but shorter pieces of content: journal articles, blog posts or even output from your ongoing research.

NewsComputer and Information Sciences

The Beyond the PDF workshop took place a little over a week ago. One take-home message for me was that ePub is a very interesting document format for scholarly publishing and has several advantages over PDF. The workshop had a wonderful spirit to do something , and in this spirit I wrote a WordPress plugin that automatically creates ePub files from blog posts.