Computer and Information SciencesBlogger


Rants, raves (and occasionally considered opinions) on phyloinformatics, taxonomy, and biodiversity informatics. For more ranty and less considered opinions, see my Twitter feed.ISSN 2051-8188. Written content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
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CopyrightKewOpen DataPlantsState Of The World's PlantsComputer and Information Sciences

Kew has released a new report today, entitled the State of the World's Plants, complete with it's own web site Its aim: This is, of course, a laudable goal, and a lot of work has gone into this report, and yet there are some things about the report that I find very frustrating.

BiodiversityDashboardGlobal Forest WatchNASAPossible ProjectComputer and Information Sciences

Despite the well deserved scepticism about dashboards voiced by Shannon Mattern @shannonmattern (see Mission Control: A History of the Urban Dashboard, I discovered this by reading Ignore the Bat Caves and Marketplaces: lets talk about Zoning by Leigh Dodds @ldodds) I'm intrigued by the idea a dashboard for biodiversity. We could have several different kinds of information, displayed in a single place.

GBIFLeafletSearchComputer and Information Sciences

One of my frustrations with the GBIF portal is that it is hard to drill down and search in a specific area. You have to zoom in and then click for a list of occurrences in the current bounding box of the map. You can't, for example, draw a polygon such as the boundary of a protected area and search within that area.

AedesDataDryadGBIFMosquitoesComputer and Information Sciences

One of GBIF's goals is to provide up to date, comprehensive data on the distribution of species. Although GBIF's taxonomy and geographic scope is global, not all species are equal, in the sense that the need for information on some species is potentially much more pressing. An example are mosquitoes of the genus Aedes , such as the species A. aegypti and A. albopictus that spread the Zika virus.

Knowledge GraphComputer and Information Sciences

I’ve thrown together some notes on building a biodiversity knowledge graph, and in the interests of making it interactive it's in the form of a web page: There are buttons to click that display live data, and I hope to dd more examples as I flesh out the ideas.

CiscoDigitisationNHMPit StopTalkComputer and Information Sciences

Last week (25-26 February) I was in London for CISCO Pit Stop event. Thursday evening was at the Natural History Museum where I gave a talk extolling the virtues of linking stuff together: My slides are here: Cisco Digital Catapult from Roderic Page Friday we assembled at the Digital Catapult Centre, which as Sandy Knapp notes, has some amazing views from it's 9th floor.