
Jabberwocky Ecology

Jabberwocky Ecology
Ethan White and Morgan Ernest's blog for discussing issues and ideas related to ecology and academia.
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A while ago there was a bit of discussion around the academic blogosphere recently regarding the importance of developing a digital presence and what the best form of that presence might be. Recently as I’ve been looking around at academics’ websites as part of faculty, postdoc and graduate student searchers going on in my department/lab I’ve been reminded of the importance of having a digital presence.


We have a postdoc position available for someone interested in the general areas of macroecology, quantitative ecology, and ecoinformatics. Here’s the short ad with links to the full job description: If you’re interested in the position and are planning to be at ESA please leave a comment or drop me an email ( and we can try to set up a time to talk while we’re in Pittsburgh.


It’s probably not really to our benefit to be advertising competing positions when we’re currently looking for a post-doc ourselves, but this is a great opportunity so I thought I’d pass it along. The Department of Wildland Resources at Utah State has a post-doctoral fellowship available to work with one (or more) of it’s faculty.


The White Lab at Utah State University has an opening for a graduate student with interests in Macroecology, Community Ecology, or Ecological Theory/Modeling.  Active areas of research in the White lab include broad scale patterns of biodiversity and body size, dynamics of ecological communities, and the use of sensor networks for studying ecological systems.


Positions available to work within an integrated terrestrial and marine research program addressing fundamental questions on the origin, maintenance, conservation and future of life and biological diversity on Earth. Candidates should have a strong publication record, relevant analytical and data handling skills, and an ability to communicate within a research team. Competitive salaries are offered.


If you’re looking for a quantitatively oriented postdoc in ecology this position with Kiona Ogle is a great opportunity. I can’t vouch for her collaborator, but I’ve worked with Kiona and she is smart, has a good scientific philosophy, and is a patient & hard working collaborator – all goods signs for a postdoctoral mentor.