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rOpenSci - open tools for open science

rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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NewsletterComputer and Information Sciences
Author The rOpenSci Team

Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup! You can read this post on our blog.Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci! rOpenSci HQ R-universe gets advanced search! The landing page for rOpenSci’s R-universe platform has gotten a makeover to facilitate easy searching through thousands of available R packages and articles.

NewsletterComputer and Information Sciences
Author The rOpenSci Team

Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup! You can read this post on our blog.Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci! rOpenSci HQ rOpenSci is hiring its next Community Manager! Come be part of making our great community even better; Help start a new program promoting diverse leadership in open source; Join a remote, flexible, global, friendly community and team!

Data VisualizationGraphical SummariesHighest Density RegionHdrcdeRComputer and Information Sciences

This was how being a newcomer to rOpenSci OzUnconf 2019 felt. It was incredible to be a part of such a diverse, welcoming and inclusive environment. I thought it would be fun to blog about how it all began, and the twists and turns we experienced along the way as we developed the gghdr package. The package provides tools for plotting highest density regions with ggplot2 and was inspired by the package hdrcde developed by Rob J Hyndman.

R-universeTech NotesComputer and Information Sciences

The rOpenSci R-universe is a bit special as, compared to other R-universes, it builds docs for all the packages in our suite.Looking at the dashboard helps us identify failures in building the packages as well as in building the pkgdown websites.We then help authors fix these issues in order to comply with our package curation policy.As a package author you should also rely on continuous integration in your own repo for catching e.g. R CMD check

NewsletterComputer and Information Sciences
Author The rOpenSci Team

Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup! You can read this post on our blog.Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci! rOpenSci HQ Co-working events Join us for social coworking & office hours monthly on 1st Tuesdays! Hosted by Steffi LaZerte and Nick Tierney. Everyone welcome. No RSVP needed. Consult our Events page to find your local time and how to join.

CommunityComputer and Information Sciences

I’m writing to share news that I’m moving on from my position as rOpenSci’s Community Manager. Friday, January 14th is my last day.Being rOpenSci’s first Community Manager has been my dream job. You have all given me such joy over the past 5.5 years.I love collaborating to create new things, so it’s time for me to step away and take some time to explore what might come next.

Code Of ConductGovernanceCommunityComputer and Information Sciences
Authors Stefanie Butland, Mark Padgham, Kara Woo, Megan Carter

Our community is our best asset. It’s so important to us, it’s in our mission statement. We recognize that communities are not inclusive by default; they require deliberate attention, including an enforceable Code of Conduct. rOpenSci is committed to providing a safe, inclusive, welcoming, and harassment-free experience for everyone.

CommunityCode Of ConductGovernanceComputer and Information Sciences
Authors Stefanie Butland, Mark Padgham, Kara Woo

The rOpenSci community is supported by our Code of Conduct with a clear description of unacceptable behaviors, instructions on how to make a report, and information on how reports are handled. We, the Code of Conduct Committee, are responsible for receiving, investigating, deciding, enforcing and reporting on all reports of potential violations of our Code.

ForumHelpComputer and Information Sciences
Author The rOpenSci Team

Do you have an account on the rOpenSci forum?As underlined in our contributing guide, our forum is where we encourage Q&A and exploration of ideas on a various range of topics .Compared to our Slack semi-open workspace, the forum is entirely open and much easier to search , so a great place to gather some collaborative knowledge!We have recently streamlined categories so that it might be

R-universeTech NotesReproducibilityRenvComputer and Information Sciences
Author Jeroen Ooms

What is renv RStudio’s renv package is a powerful dependency management toolkit for R. It allows you to create a lockfile that records the exact versions of R packages used in a given project, and provides tooling to install exactly those same versions on another machine, or at a later point in time. This is very useful to create an isolated project environment for reproducibility or production purposes.