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rOpenSci - open tools for open science

rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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PackagesMagickImagesTech NotesComputer and Information Sciences
Authors Jeroen Ooms, Thomas Lin Pedersen

Release 1.4 of the magick package introducesa new feature called image convolution thatwas requested by Thomas L. Pedersen. In this post we explain what this is all about. Kernel Matrix The new image_convolve() function applies a kernel over the image. Kernel convolution means that each pixel value is recalculated using the weighted neighborhood sum defined in the kernel matrix.

AustraliaCommunityMeetingsOzunconfOzunconf17Computer and Information Sciences
Author Nicholas Tierney

Just last week we organised the 2nd rOpenSci ozunconference, the sibling rOpenSci unconference, held in Australia. Last year it was held in Brisbane, this time around, the ozunconf was hosted in Melbourne, from October 26-27, 2017. At the ozunconf, we brought together 45 R-software users and developers, scientists, and open data enthusiasts from academia, industry, government, and non-profits.

CommunitySoftwareSoftware Peer ReviewPackagesBikedataComputer and Information Sciences
Author Mark Padgham

A new rOpenSci package provides access to data to which users may already have directly contributed, and for which contribution is fun, keeps you fit, and helps make the world a better place. The data come from using public bicycle hire schemes, and the package is called bikedata.

CommunityInterviewsRprofileComputer and Information Sciences
Author Kelly O'Briant

KO: What is your name, job title, and how long have you been using R? DS: My name is David Smith. I work at Microsoft and my self-imposed title is ‘R Community Lead’. I’ve been working with R specifically for about 10 years, but I’d been working with S since the early 90s.

PackagesNetworkingWindowsTech NotesComputer and Information Sciences
Author Jeroen Ooms

This week we released version 3.0 of the curl R package to CRAN. You may have never used this package directly, but curl provides the foundation for most HTTP infrastructure in R, including httr, rvest, and all packages that build on it. If R packages need to go online, chances are traffic is going via curl.

Open ScienceGovernanceSustainabilityROpenSci TeamPostdocComputer and Information Sciences
Author Dan Sholler

A growing community of scientists from a variety of disciplines is moving the norms of scientific research toward open practices. Supporters of open science hope to increase the quality and efficiency of research by enabling the widespread sharing of datasets, research software source code, publications, and other processes and products of research.

CommunityHacktoberfestComputer and Information Sciences

One of rOpenSci’s aims is to build capacity of software users and developers and foster a sense of pride in their work. What better way to do that than to encourage you to participate in Hacktoberfest, a month-long celebration of open source software! It doesn’t take much to get involved Beginners to experts. Contributors and package maintainers welcome.

CommunitySoftwareSoftware Peer ReviewRrricanesRrricanesdataComputer and Information Sciences
Author Tim Trice

What is rrricanes Why Write rrricanes? There is a tremendous amount of weather data available on the internet. Much of it is in raw format and not very easy to obtain. Hurricane data is no different. When one thinks of this data they may be inclined to think it is a bunch of map coordinates with some wind values and not much else. A deeper look will reveal structural and forecast data.

PatentsPatentsViewPackagesAPIUSPTOComputer and Information Sciences
Author Chris Baker

Why care about patents? 1. Patents play a critical role in incentivizing innovation, withoutwhich we wouldn’t have much of the technology we rely on everyday What does your iPhone, Google’s PageRank algorithm, and a buttersubstitute called Smart Balance all have in common? …They all probably wouldn’t be here if not for patents.

SoftwareSoftware Peer ReviewComputer and Information Sciences
Authors Scott Chamberlain, Maëlle Salmon, Noam Ross, Karthik Ram

The R package ecosystem now contains more than 10K packages, and several flagship packages belong under the rOpenSci suite. Some of these are: magick for image manipulation, plotly for interactive plots, and git2r for interacting with git. rOpenSci is a community of people making software to facilitate open and reproducible science/research.