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rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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Author Jeroen Ooms

Downloading repository snapshots The new snapshot API lets you download a full copy of any CRAN-like repository on r-universe. You can use such a snapshot to mirror the entire CRAN-like repository on your own servers, or for example to build a stable, validated release of your package suite. The API endpoint is simply /api/snapshot and has several options to filter content.

Tech NotesCommunityGitHub ActionsCommunity Manager ToolsSocial MediaComputer and Information Sciences
Author Steffi LaZerte

A lot of what I do as rOpenSci’s community assistant is related to social media.I check for posts about rOpenSci packages, invite people to share usecases,advertise upcoming events, as well as promotingnew packages which completed software peer review.

Tech NotesRContributorsScientific PublicationsSoftware Peer ReviewComputer and Information Sciences
Author Josep Pueyo-Ros

I’m thrilled to share that CRediTas has passed peer review and been accepted to rOpenSci as well as to CRAN. I am glad to acknowledge the editor Emily Riedered and the two reviewers Marcelo S. Perlin and João Martins. Their comments and support were really insightful. CRediTas is a tiny package to facilitate the tedious job of creating CRediT authors statements for scientific publications.

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Author The rOpenSci Team

Dear rOpenSci friends, it’s time for our monthly news roundup! You can read this post on our blog.Now let’s dive into the activity at and around rOpenSci!rOpenSci HQ Meeting the stars of the R-universe: Athanasia Monika Mowinckel Knowing our community’s stories helps us to learn about the people behind our software, brings us closer and offers us new opportunities.