Contributing to an open-source community
contributing code is an oft-vaunted idea that can seem nebulous. Luckily, putting vague ideas into action is one of the strengths of the rOpenSci Community, and their package onboarding system offers a chance to do just that.
PackagesTesseractOCRTech NotesComputer and Information Sciences
Last week we released an update of the tesseract package to CRAN. This package provides R bindings to Google’s OCR library Tesseract. install.packages("tesseract") The new version ships with the latest libtesseract 3.05.01 on Windows and MacOS. Furthermore it includes enhancements for managing language data and using tesseract together with the magick package.
PackagesSoftwareImagesMagickComputer and Information Sciences
Last week, version 1.0 of the magick package appeared on CRAN: an ambitious effort to modernize and simplify high quality image processing in R. This R package builds upon the Magick++ STL which exposes a powerful C++ API to the famous ImageMagick library. The best place to start learning about magick is the vignette which gives a brief overview of the overwhelming amount of functionality in this package.
CommunityMeetingsComputer and Information Sciences
You can find members of the rOpenSci team at various meetings and workshops around the world. Come say ‘hi’, learn about how our packages can enable your research, or about our onboarding process for contributing new packages, discuss software sustainability or tell us how we can help you do open and reproducible research. Where’s rOpenSci?
CommunityMeetingsSoftwareUnconfUnconf17Computer and Information Sciences
Since June, we have been highlighting the many projects that emerged from this year’s rOpenSci Unconf. These projects start many weeks before unconf participants gather in-person. Each year, we ask participants to propose and discuss project ideas ahead of time in a GitHub repo. This serves to get creative juices flowing as well as help people get to know each other a bit through discussion.
DataElasticElasticsearchDatabasesTech NotesComputer and Information Sciences
is an R client for Elasticsearch elastic has been around since 2013, with the first commit in November, 2013. What is Elasticsearch? If you aren’t familiar with Elasticsearch, it is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine.It’s similar to Solr. It falls in the NoSQL bin of databases, holding data in JSON documents, insteadof rows and columns.
EmldownUnconfUnconf17Computer and Information Sciences
Authors Maëlle Salmon, Andrew MacDonald, Kara Woo, Carl Boettiger, Jeff Hollister
How do you get the maximum value out of a dataset? Data is most valuable when it can easily be shared, understood, and used by others. This requires some form of metadata that describes the data. While metadata can take many forms, the most useful metadata is that which follows a standardized specification. The Ecological Metadata Language (EML) is an example of such a specification originally developed for ecological datasets.
TaxonomySoftwarePackagesTaxizeTaxaComputer and Information Sciences
What is Taxonomy? Taxonomy in its most general sense is the practice and science of classification. It can refer to many things. You may have heard or used the word
used to indicate any sort of classification of things, whether it be companies or widgets. Here, we’re talking about biological taxonomy, the science of defining and naming groups of biological organisms.
CRANGitHubNotaryPackagesSecurityComputer and Information Sciences
Authors Rich FitzJohn, Os Keyes, Stephanie Locke, Jeroen Ooms, Bob Rudis
Most of us who work in R just want to Get Stuff Done™. We want a minimum amount of friction between ourselves and the data we need to wrangle, analyze, and visualize. We’re focused on solving a problem or gaining insights into a new area of research. We rely on a rich, community-driven ecosystem of packages to help get our work done and likely make an unconscious assumption that there is a safety net out there, protecting us from harm.
CommunityROpenSci TeamWelcomeCefpComputer and Information Sciences
In my training as a AAAS Community Engagement Fellow, I hear repeatedly about the value of extending a personal welcome to your community members. This seems intuitive, but recently I put this to the test. Let me tell you about my experience creating and maintaining a #welcome channel in a community Slack group.
CommunityMeetingsSoftwareUnconfUnconf17Computer and Information Sciences
Authors Eduardo Arino de la Rubia, Shannon E. Ellis, Julia Stewart Lowndes, Hope McLeod, Amelia McNamara, Michael Quinn, Elin Waring, Hao Zhu
Like every R user who uses summary statistics (so, everyone), our team has to rely on some combination of summary functions beyond summary() and str(). But we found them all lacking in some way because they can be generic, they don’t always provide easy-to-operate-on data structures, and they are not pipeable. What we wanted was a frictionless approach for quickly skimming useful and tidy summary statistics as part of a pipeline.