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Henry Rzepa's Blog

Henry Rzepa's Blog
Chemistry with a twist
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FAIR data is increasingly accepted as a description of what research data should aspire to; **F**indable, **A**ccessible, **I**nter-operable and R e-usable, with Context added by rich metadata (and also that it should be Open). But there are two sides to data, one of which is the raw data emerging from say an instrument or software simulations and the other in which some kind of model is applied to produce semi-


PIDapalooza is a new forum concerned with discussing all things persistent, hence PID. You might wonder what possible interest a chemist might have in such an apparently arcane subject, but think of it in terms of how to find the proverbial needle in a haystack in a time when needles might look all very similar.


As the Internet and its Web-components age, so early pages start to decay as technology moves on. A few posts ago, I talked about the maintenance of a relatively simple page first hosted some 21 years ago. In my notes on the curation, I wrote the phrase “ Less successful was the attempt to include buttons which could be used to annotate the structures with highlights.