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Chemistry with a twist
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n-Butyl lithium is hexameric in the solid state[cite]10.1002/anie.199305801[/cite] and in cyclohexane solutions. Why? Here I try to find out some of its secrets. SUHBEC. CLICK FOR 3D. The crystal structure reveals the following points of interest: Six lithium atoms form a cluster with triangular faces. An off-centre carbanion caps a triangular lithium face.


I conclude my exploration of conformational preferences by taking a look at esters. As before, I start with a search definition, the ester being restricted to one bearing only sp 3 carbon centers. The result of such a search is pretty clear-cut; they all exist in just one conformation, the s-cis , in which a lone pair of electrons on the alkyl-oxygen is aligned quite precisely anti-periplanar with the axis of the C=O bond.


This is really just a postscript to the previous post. There I showed how a search of the (small molecule) crystal database revealed the s-cis conformation about the N-C amide bond (the one with partial double bond character that prevents rotation) and how this conformation means that a C-H approaches quite closely to an adjacent oxygen.


Amides with an H-N group are a component of the peptide linkage (O=C-NH). Here I ask what the conformation (it could also be called a configuration) about the C-N bond is. A search of the following type can be defined: The dihedral shown is for H-N-C=O (but this is equivalent to the C-C-N-C dihedral, which is also often called the dihedral angle associated with the peptide group). I have also added a distance, from a C-H to the


Consider acetaldehyde (ethanal for progressive nomenclaturists). What conformation does it adopt, and why? This question was posed of me by a student at the end of a recent lecture of mine. Surely, an easy answer to give? Read on … There really are only two possibilities, the syn and anti . Well, I have discovered it is useful to start with a search of the Cambridge data base.


In a previous post, I set out how to show how one can reduce a 1 H NMR spectrum to the structure [A] below. I speculated how a further test could be applied to this structure; back predicting its spectrum using just quantum mechanics. Overkill I know, but how well might the two match? The process must start by considering the conformational possibilities of [A]. Each will have a different predicted spectrum.


The electronic interaction between a single bond and an adjacent double bond is often called σ-π-conjugation (an older term for this is hyperconjugation), and the effect is often used to e.g. explain why more highly substituted carbocations are more stable than less substituted ones.


We tend to think of simple hydrocarbons as relatively inert and un-interesting molecules. However, a recent article[cite]10.1002/anie.201202894[/cite], which was in fact highlighted by Steve Bachrach on his blog , asks what “ The Last Globally Stable Extended Alkane ” might be. In other words, at what stage does a straight-chain hydrocarbon fold back upon itself, and no significant population of the linear form remain?


This is an interesting result I got when studying the [1,4] sigmatropic rearrangement of heptamethylbicyclo-[3.1.0]hexenyl cations. It fits into the last lecture of a series on pericyclic mechanisms, and just before the first lecture on conformational analysis. This is how they join.


I return to this reaction one more time. Trying to explain why it is enantioselective for the epoxide product poses peculiar difficulties. Most of the substituents can adopt one of several conformations, and some exploration of this conformational space is needed. Amongst the conformational possibilities are the two rotations shown below.