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Elsevier acquires the profiling service Parity. It is thus further expanding its existing portfolio of science management services. Elsevier acquires the profiling service Parity According to Elsevier’s press release Parity provides “high-accuracy entity resolution, profiling and recommendations for STM content and applications in the world of research.


Clarivate Analytics, owner of the database Web of Science and services as publons, acquired Kopernio. Kopernio facilitates the search for Open Access documents. For pay-walled articles to which you have no access, Kopernio is looking for an alternative Open Access version. Unlike unpaywall, a similiar tool, using Kopernio requires registration.


nnAfter Iversity’s insolvency in 2016 the Holtzbrinck Group invested in Iversity. Some days ago Springer Nature’s acquisition of the e-learning startup was reported.nnIversity’s news on the acquisition (in German language) provides some more information, here is a translated piece of it: “For the free of charge course offers (MOOCs) currently offered on the platform, iversity provides a guarantee of existence for the foreseeable future.


Bereits im Sommer wurde bekannt, dass Thomson Reuters sich von seinem Angebot Web Of Science (WoS) trennt. Die Zitationsdatenbank sowie einige andere Produkte der Intellectual-Property-Sparte des Konzerns gehen in den Besitz der ONEX Group über, einer Private Equity Gesellschaft, zu deren Portfolio z.B. auch Angebote aus dem Gesundheits- und Food-Bereich und Versicherungen gehören.