Earth and related Environmental

Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

SV-POW! ... All sauropod vertebrae, except when we're talking about Open Access. ISSN 3033-3695
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CaudalCervicalConferencesDorsalPeople We LikeEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Author Matt Wedel

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BrachiosauridsCaudalConferencesStinkin' MammalsStinkin' SV-POW!sketeersEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Author Matt Wedel

As usual I came back from SVPCA to a mountain of un-dealt-with day-job work, which is why it’s taken me so long to get this post done and up. I wanted to get it posted as quickly as I could decently arrange, because I had a fantastic time at this year’s meeting and I wanted to document a few reasons why, both to thank this year’s hosts and to perhaps inspire the organizers of future meetings.

CaudalConferencesHuman AnatomyNervous SystemOpen AccessEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Author Matt Wedel

I’ll have more to say about both of these in the near future, but for now suffice it to say that this (link): {.aligncenter .wp-image-16586 .size-large loading=“lazy” attachment-id=“16586” permalink=“”

"Ultrasauros"BarosaurusBrachiosauridsCC BYCervicalEarth and related Environmental Sciences

My talk (Taylor and Wedel 2019) from this year’s SVPCA is up! The talks were not recorded live (at least, if they were, it’s a closely guarded secret). But while it was fresh in my mind, I did a screencast of my own, and posted it on YouTube (CC By). I had to learn how to do this for my 1PVC presentation on vertebral orientation, and it’s surprisingly straightforward on a Mac, so I’ve struck while the iron is hot.

100% Totally RealBig Tough Sauropodologists Throwing Away Their DignityBrachiosauridsConferencesDorsalEarth and related Environmental Sciences

We’re just back from an excellent SVPCA on the Isle of Wight. We’ll write more about it, but this time I just want to draw attention to a neat find. During a bit of down time, Matt and Vicki were wandering around West Cowes (the town where the scientific sessions were held), when they stumbled across a place called That Shop. Intrigued by all the Lego figures in the window, they went in, and Matt found a small section of fossils.

"Angloposeidon"ConferencesSVPCAEarth and related Environmental Sciences

Sorry to you all for the recent radio-silence here on SV-POW!. Matt and I are hard at work preparing our presentations for SVPCA 2019, which will take place on the Isle of Wight next week. Delightfully, not only will Matt be joining us this year, but so will his wife, forensic anthropologist celebre Vicki; and their son London.

100% Totally RealBig Tough Sauropodologists Throwing Away Their DignityCamarasaursGoofyStinkin' HeadsEarth and related Environmental Sciences

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Science CommunicationUlterior MotivesEarth and related Environmental Sciences
Author Matt Wedel

First, a short personal backstory. Vicki’s and my extended families both live mostly in Oklahoma and Kansas, so they only get to see our son, London, at the holidays or at infrequent mid-year visits. Starting when London was five, every year I’ve made a photo book of his adventures through the year to give as Christmas presents to all of our relatives. These have also become cherished mementos for the three of us here in Cali.