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JSC Accelerating Devices Lab

Various notes from the Accelerating Devices Lab (X-Dev) of Jülich Supercomputing Centre
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The Supercomputing Conference 2023 took place in Denver, Colorado, from November 12th to 17th. For the Women in HPC workshop, we submitted a paper, which focused on benchmarking different accelerators for AI. The paper was accepted and I was invited to hold a lightning talk to show the work, spun off our OpenGPT-X project.


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For a recent talk at DKRZ in the scope of the natESM project, I created a table summarizing the current state of using a certain programming model on a GPU of a certain vendor, for C++ and Fortran. Since it lead to quite a discussion in the session, I made a standalone version of it with some updates and elaborations here and there. I present, the GPU Vendor/Programming Model Compatibility Table ! .pub { line-height: 40px;