Published in Front Matter

The Sloan Foundation has awarded a $125,000 grant to Columbia University and Mendeley to fund the development of a Citation-Style Language (CSL) editor. CSL is a XML-based language to format citations and bibliographies, and is used by the reference managers Zotero, Mendeley and Papers, and in many other places.


Computer and information sciences

Citation Style Language: Interview with Rintze Zelle and Ian Mulvany


Citation styles are one of the greater mysteries for the novice manuscript writer. There are numerous ways that authors, title, journal, etc. can be arranged and formatted (see examples below), and in bibliographies citations can be ordered either alphabetically or by order of appearance in the text. <strong> <strong> Laemmli UK </strong> </strong> . Cleavage of Structural Proteins during the Assembly of the Head of Bacteriophage T4.