Metadata are an important feature of every scholarly resource. For science blog posts – which are published with far fewer resources than for example journal articles or books – there is an additional requirement: make the metadata collection as painless as possible.
Library and Information SciencesStatistics, Probability and UncertaintyComputer Science ApplicationsEducationInformation Systems
AbstractThis article presents a practical roadmap for scholarly data repositories to implement data citation in accordance with the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, a synopsis and harmonization of the recommendations of major science policy bodies. The roadmap was developed by the Repositories Expert Group, as part of the Data Citation Implementation Pilot (DCIP) project, an initiative of and the NIH-funded BioCADDIE ( project. The roadmap makes 11 specific recommendations, grouped into three phases of implementation: a) required steps needed to support the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles, b) recommended steps that facilitate article/data publication workflows, and c) optional steps that further improve data citation support provided by data repositories. We describe the early adoption of these recommendations 18 months after they have first been published, looking specifically at implementations of machine-readable metadata on dataset landing pages.
Two weeks ago I started registering DOIs for blog posts included in the Rogue Scholar blog archive. It is an automated process but involves a lot of manual checks. So far I have registered 231 blog posts from 20 different science blogs, and I hope to finish the DOI registrations by the end of the month.