Published in DataCite Blog - DataCite
Authors Rorie Edmunds, Kirsten Elger

Through the 2021 partnership between DataCite and IGSN e.V., DataCite services can be used to register International Generic Sample Numbers (IGSN IDs) for material samples. Over the coming months, the blog series ‘IGSN ID Implementation Exemplars’ will showcase sample management workflows developed by the community that incorporate IGSN ID registration. In each post, we offer practical guidance on how to work alongside disciplinary sample experts to register IGSN IDs within DataCite services.

GFZ Data Services is hosted at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. It is a research data repository for DOI-referenced data and scientific software from the Geosciences, and provides IGSN ID registration for geosamples. GFZ Data Services was a founding member of IGSN e.V. in 2011, and until 31 December 2022, when the IGSN PID infrastructure transitioned under DataCite, GFZ Data Services was responsible for managing the central IGSN handle server that registered more than 10.5 Million IGSN IDs. As IGSN Allocating Agent, GFZ Data Services has assigned close to 39,000 material samples with IGSN IDs for its community. Almost 3,000 IGSN IDs have been directly registered within DataCite services since the transition.

The post IGSN ID Implementation Exemplars: GFZ Data Services appeared first on DataCite.