Published in Henry Rzepa's Blog

I recently received two emails each with a subject line new approaches to research reporting . The traditional 350 year-old model of the (scientific) journal is undergoing upheavals at the moment with the introduction of APCs (article processing charges), a refereeing crisis and much more. Some argue that brand new thinking is now required.


General Pharmacology, Toxicology and PharmaceuticsGeneral Immunology and MicrobiologyGeneral Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular BiologyGeneral Medicine

Single Figure Publications: Towards a novel alternative format for scholarly communication

Published in F1000Research
Authors Long Do, William Mobley

The single figure publication is a novel, efficient format by which to communicate scholarly advances. It will serve as a forerunner of the nano-publication, a modular unit of information critical for machine-driven data aggregation and knowledge integration.