Rogue Scholar Posts

Published in Open Access Blog Berlin
Author Maike Neufend

Authors: Malte Dreyer, Martina Benz and Maike Neufend Open Access is developing in an area of tension between institutional and funder policies, the economics of publishing and last but not least the communication practices of research disciplines. In a comparison across European countries, very dynamic and diverse approaches and developments can be observed.

Published in Open Access Blog Berlin
Author Maike Neufend

Im Mittelpunkt des dritten Stakeholder-Workshops des Projektes Open4DE standen die Herausforderungen und Chancen der Umsetzung von Open Access aus Perspektive der Landesregierungen und des Bundes. Am 26. Juni 2022 fand in den Räumen des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) in Berlin ein Workshop statt, in dem Vertreter*innen der 16 Bundesländer eingeladen waren, sich mit Vertreter*innen des BMBF über gemeinsame

Published in Open Access Blog Berlin
Author Maike Neufend

Authors: Malte Dreyer, Martina Benz and Maike Neufend Open Access (OA) is developing in an area of tension between institutional and funder policies, the economics of publishing and last but not least the communication practices of research disciplines. In a comparison across European countries, very dynamic and diverse approaches and developments can be observed.

Published in Open Access Blog Berlin
Author Maike Neufend

Authors: Malte Dreyer, Martina Benz and Maike Neufend Open Access (OA) is developing in an area of tension between institutional and funder policies, the economics of publishing and last but not least the communication practices of research disciplines. In a comparison across European countries, very dynamic and diverse approaches and developments can be observed.

Published in Open Access Blog Berlin
Author Maike Neufend

Open Access ist inzwischen ein selbstverständlicher Bestandteil der wissenschaftlichen Kommunikations- und Publikationskultur in Deutschland. Etwa jeder zweite Forschungsartikel ist bereits frei zugänglich.