Rogue Scholar Posts

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Author Björn Brembs

For 14 years, the main research funding agency in Germany, the German Research Foundation (DFG) has stated in its guidelines that submitted grant proposals will be assessed primarily on the basis of their content , rather than counting the applicants’ previous publications. However, not all of DFG’s panels seem to be on board.

Published in Front Matter

The science blog archive Rogue Scholar relaunched on a new platform today. Now running on the InvenioRDM repository platform, Rogue Scholar continues to improve science blogs in important ways, including full-text search, long-term archiving, DOIs and metadata, and now also communities . The fundamental services that Rogue Scholar provides have not changed.

Published in BLOG ATARRAYA
Author Atarraya

Argentina siglo XIX. por Raquel Bressan En un contexto de significativa transformación, en la Argentina de la segunda mitad de siglo XIX se trazaron y localizaron cientos de nuevos pueblos y colonias, de parcelas agrícolas y de miles de kilómetros de vías nuevas de comunicación que materializaron vívidamente el ritmo acelerado y explosivo del crecimiento económico y social del país.

Published in Le blog Zotero francophone
Author Collectif

Le nouvel aspect et les nouvelles fonctionnalités de l’interface de la bibliothèque sont probablement les impacts les plus visibles introduits par Zotero 7. Le changement de technologie et la réécriture de l’application ont cependant occasionné d’autres changements bien plus importants. Elles ont notamment impliqué un travail d’adaptation conséquent pour les développeurs des extensions de Zotero telles que Better BibTex, ZotFile, etc.

The 2021 UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science sets out an ambitious vision for transforming research towards making science a global public good. In addition to continued support for the increased openness of research products (publications, data, software), this document foregrounds the transformative potential of open research practices to enhance equity and inclusiveness within global research.

Published in Andrew Heiss's blog

This year, I’ve helped build the Idaho Secretary of State’s office’s election results website for both the primary and general elections. Working with election data is a complex process, with each precinct reporting results to their parent counties, which all use different systems and software and candidate identifiers.

Published in Abhishek Tiwari

Privacy in data systems has traditionally focused on protecting sensitive information as it enters a system - what we call input privacy. However, as systems become more complex and capable of inferring sensitive information from seemingly harmless data, the importance of output privacy has gained significant attention.