Rogue Scholar Posts

Authors Noam Ross, Jeroen Ooms

Nos complace anunciar que R-Universeha sido designado como un nuevo Proyecto de alto nivel del R Consortium ¡Nos alegramosde estar en compañía de proyectos comunitarios y de infraestructuras que han sidodesignados críticos para el Ecosistema R!, como R-hub, DBI, R-Ladies y elPrograma Grupos de Usuari(a|o)s de R y agradecemos el apoyo de R Consortium y desu Comité Directivo de Infraestructura (ISC) El R Consortium apoya a la comunidad R para

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The science blog archive Rogue Scholar depends heavily on GitHub Actions. They are used to trigger content and metadata extraction of new blog posts and to register DOIs for these posts with Crossref. More recently they have also been used to push this content and metadata to the new InvenioRDM-based Rogue Scholar platform. GitHub Actions are workflows that typically operate on the command line.

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Last week I integrated the InvenioRDM API with the Rogue Scholar API, enabling the automated export of metadata to the InvenioRDM platform. As of today, 5,046 (28.8%) blog posts have been exported to InvenioRDM and can be explored via UI and API, The export currently includes most metadata, but support for references, relations and funding information still needs to be added, as does the export of full-text in markdown and PDF formats.

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In August v.12.0 of the InvenioRDM turn-key research data management repository was released, the first long-term support (LTS) release of the open source software since January 2023. This release enabled the migration of the Rogue Scholar infrastructure to the InvenioRDM platform, a process that will take the next four months. Deployment The first stage of the migration was setting up the InvenioRDM production infrastructure.

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Today I am happy to announce the first beta release of InvenioRDM Starter. InvenioRDM is an open source repository management platform developed by more than 25 organizations coordinated by CERN. The release of the next major version (v12.0) will happen in a few weeks, with the second release candidate released on May 31st. InvenioRDM Starter aims to make installing InvenioRDM easy via a prebuilt Docker image and Docker Compose file.

The pews of the Internet Archive back in 2018. tl;dr: Posts on this blog are now automatically archived, indexed and full-text searchable through The Rogue Scholar . The jury might still be out on whether the small or indie web will make a comeback, but I’ve personally enjoyed posting more on my blog here in recent months.

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From the start last year one important goal for the Rogue Scholar science blog archive was to make it easy to use for blog authors and readers. Today I want to focus on another aspect: keep it simple to run Rogue Scholar infrastructure. To address that goal I started development work last week to further simplify one important aspect of Rogue Scholar infrastructure: metadata conversion.